Saturday, April 28, 2018

Darkness surrounded by a world of light

This weekend in NY at the James Beard awards, it hit home how broken I am.

I was looking forward to this trip - meeting Marc, Kim, publicists I've enjoyed working with. I had breakfast with Skye McAlpine, the author of A Table in Venice, and was able to arrange a signing of her brilliant book at Kitchen Arts & Letters. I had the most amazing meal of my life with Marc and Jane at Estela in a quiet booth in a corner - but until we were in that booth - I was in a corner by the bar praying for death but loving talking with Marc and Jane. I'm broken.

I met Naomi Duguid who came up to me and asked who are you - and when I told her I loved her she said, "well, then let me embrace you". Another highlight was meeting Claudia Fleming, who my dear friends, John and Sandra, know well and who I adore, I was able to try her incredible desserts and hug her. I was in the same room with Melissa Clark, Padma Lakshmi, Samin Nosrat, Tamron Hall, Vivian Howard, Pati Jinich, Francis Lam, Andrew Zimmern, and other notables. I met the amazing Susie Chang and Hsiao-Ching Chou. I was able to hug Kat Kinsman and Nancie McDermott again. I'm spending the afternoon today with Rona and all day tomorrow with Christine at a writer's workshop and I adore them both. It's a dream weekend.

But I'm miserable. Several times yesterday at the reception, I felt like I was going to pass out. Being in the crowded room among all those people - I was suffocating. I just wanted to escape. It was too much - too much talking, laughing and noise. My head was swimming and I eventually drowned, I saw swirls of blackness and before I would allow myself to be consumed by the darkness - I would hobble over to a corner, a hallway and just try to remember how to breathe. I had to remind myself that I'm a fucking adult. I just wanted to cry and almost did break down a few times. It's been particularly hard the last month or two at home. I've had very dark thoughts about myself - I work to overcome them - I would never act on them, the disparity of my emotions is crippling. It takes an hour or twelve for that despair to dissipate.

Author meetings, publicists, friends - in a corner, I was totally fine. But after years of being alone in my world in NY and especially the last four years being alone in Colorado save my family, I have had little social interaction and have grown comfortable being alone. People tend to shy away from us. Due to all of this, I seem to not be able to handle social interaction - yeah I see the irony in this statement after getting up in front of 800 people and confessing my sins - total insanity. IACP was the nail, James Beard was the coffin in my hopes of being a normal person.

I understand Andrew so much better now. If that child feels one-eighth of what I was feeling, no wonder his anger is out of control. I tried to be strong - I tried not to spew venom, I tried to be as pleasant as I could be - but I just wanted out and almost snuck out several times to leave but as an adult I fought it hard. I couldn't pull names out of my head or speak coherently, I felt like I was drugged and I hadn't even had a sip of a drink. Andrew can't take off - well he has, but we go after him - so his anger comes out with physicality and vile remarks. Andrew can't write about it the following day to explain why he was a fucking lunatic.

Every time I come to a revelation, I vow to do better by him. When I go home I will appreciate being there for a few days, then I'll want to be anywhere but there. While I'm in NY, I want to be anywhere but here - except in my hotel room, alone in the quiet or on the street where I'm one of a million specks in an ocean.

Again, I vow to do better.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Calm your tits

If I hear "calm your tits" one more time - I will lose the tiny remnant of my mind which holds that  last fragment of sanity. That fragment she's a fighter but as gallant and resistant a wall she puts up - I feel her impending surrender.

Each day the ticking grows louder and I wonder which day will send me to face the admission that I cannot handle my son any longer. The rapid cycles are impossible to gauge. One moment, I'm dodging swings, being cursed at with every vile unimaginable vulgarity possible, ducking projectiles that are set on a course to my head, and the next I'm being hugged, told I'm loved and that he doesn't understand why he is like that and his remorse fills the space around us. He will be 14 in a few months, he is 5' 5" inches tall, he is strong and muscular and the rage that fuels his cycles makes him a force that cannot be contained.

This all wreaks havoc with my own issues. That fragment she wants to be better, she wants to believe that things will change, and a miracle will occur. She says that over and over to anyone that will listen - but she's a liar.